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Labour Contract for handling of food grain at Government food grain warehouse in Nagpur District, e-tender for the year 2018-21

Labour Contract for handling of food grain at Government food grain warehouse in Nagpur District, e-tender for the year 2018-21

Tender for Photo voter list and supplementary voter list for printing and other election related printing work for two years.

Tender for Photo voter list and supplementary voter list for printing and other election related printing work for two years.

जिल्हा एका दृष्टीक्षेपात

इतिहास भूगोल व हवामान

At a Glance

History Geography & climate

खिंडसी तलाव

रामटेक तालुक्यात असलेल्या खिंडसी तलावाच्या सभोवताल घनदाट जंगल आहे. नागपूरपासून 53 किलोमीटर आणि रामटेकपासून 3.5 किलोमीटर अंतरावर हा तलाव आहे. वैदर्भिय जनतेसाठी गेल्या अनेक वर्षांपासून हे स्थळ आकर्षक आणि आवडीचे पर्यटन स्थळ बनले आहे. येथे येणारे पर्यटक मोटरबोट्स, पेडल बोट्स, रोवींग बोट्स, वॉटर स्कूटर्स आदींच्या माध्यमातून जलतरणाचा आनंद घेऊ शकतात. लहान मुलांसाठी येथे साहसी पार्कही […]

Khindsi Lake

Khindsi, the picturesque and large lake surrounded by verdant forests on all sides is located about 3.5kms from Ramtek and 53 kms from Nagpur. It has been the favourite tourist destination of Vidarbhites for several years. Tourist can enjoy boating in Khindsi lake in motorboats, pedal boats, rowing boats, water scooters etc. Nearby the lake, […]

National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP)

National Social Assistance Programme(NSAP)